Publish with Us

Henry Lyon Books (HLB) is a hybrid publishing company. Unlike self-publishing companies that publish any and all submissions, we only publish manuscripts that our extensive professional experience indicates are ready for the accelerated publishing service we provide. All of our books are editorially curated, professionally designed, and masterfully marketed. We consider manuscripts that are of high caliber writing by authors seeking to publish.

HLB’s primary publishing service is the Basic Book package. It is all-inclusive. Individually priced over $6.5k, the package investment is just $4.k (payment plans available).

Our close communication throughout the process, as well as our complete approach is what sets us apart. With over 32 years of experience in editing, publishing, and marketing, why trust anyone else?

The following types of books are accepted: nonfiction (general); Self help; Christian nonfiction; memoirs.

We accept the occasional, exceptional fiction or picture book.

Please be advised that the following genres will not be considered: Science fiction, Satire, Drama, Action and Adventure, Romance, Erotica, Mystery, Horror, Guide, Travel, Science, Math, Anthology, Poetry, Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Comics, Art, and Cookbooks. We are not against these genres of books, but they do not fit within our publishing parameters.

Schedule a call with us today to discuss your project and how we can help!
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To submit by email to, please include in the body of your email (not as attachments) the following.

What to include in your submission:

  • A formal query letter
  • A 1-3 page synopsis
  • The first 25 pages

You MUST follow these guidelines. Manuscripts not following these guidelines will be rejected.

You may be asked to submit a full manuscript. Full manuscripts should be PDF documents formatted as follows:

  • 12 point Times New Roman, double-spaced, 1 inch margins, with page numbers

After your book has been accepted, please adhere to the following procedures:

Checking Your Manuscript

Before submitting your book, please carefully proofread for spelling errors. Headings must consistently be capitalized, references must be formatted consistently from chapter to chapter, and treatment of like elements must be consistent throughout your book.

Any lengthy additions should be incorporated into the book prior to submission. Please also submit an electronic copy through the internet or on an Windows or Macintosh-compatible disk. An exact hard copy must accompany online versions.

Illustrations & Photographs

All illustrations, photographs, and so on, should be submitted in Photoshop format, or at least as a jpg, tiff, or ai format. Please don’t embed your graphics in the word-processing program. If electronic submission is impossible, please provide all illustrations in duplicate in a form suitable for reproduction, preferably of such a size that the same degree of reduction (for example, seventy-five percent of the original size) can be applied to all of them. Illustrations should not exceed 8- 1/2 x 11 inches.

Illustrations reprinted from other publications must be credited. It is the author’s responsibility to obtain permission to reprint such illustrations.

Identification, Names, & Addresses

Include your (and your coauthor’s) full name(s) (for publication) and the complete address of the author to whom proofs and correspondence are to be sent.

Organizing Your Book


Include a concise one-paragraph abstract of no more than 500 words describing the general thesis and conclusion of the book.

Title Page

The title page should include the suggested title of the book and the names of the authors or editors. (In the case of collected works, only the names of the editors usually appear.)


If the book is to include a dedication, it should appear after the copyright page. You might want to include a quotation at the beginning of the book. It should appear here. If the epigraph is lengthy or if the possibility of copyright violation exists, you must obtain permission to use the quotation.

Foreword (be sure you spell this word correctly)

A foreword, usually written by a person other than the author, is a short (usually no more than four book pages in length) statement about the book or the field.


The preface, written by the author or editor, contains the research methods, the reasons for undertaking the work, and permissions granted for the use of copyrighted materials. Also included should be thanks to colleagues, associates, and others who assisted in creating the book as well as persons and institutions who provided financial support.


A substantive introduction that includes information about the field and, in the case of collective works, about the papers included can also be included. An introduction should portray the broad significance of the book.

The Publication Process

In the desire to reach a broad readership and ensure high standards of accuracy, quality, and consistency, books that have been accepted for publication by HLB are carefully read for vague or ambiguous statements, inner contradictions, faulty sentences, style, capitalization, organization, correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, textual clarity, appropriate use of figures and tables, correct use of abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols and other lapses that sometimes creep into the best of manuscripts. Depending on how carefully the manuscript has been prepared, the editor can spend from three to five weeks or even longer on one manuscript. It is here that the author’s care in the preparation of the manuscript will contribute materially to speeding this work and keeping costs down.

Once submitted, most manuscripts will be copyedited or proofread and sent to the author and the editor (where applicable) for review. Most manuscripts include a number of queries from the copyeditor regarding items that are unclear or incomplete or need further attention. These queries must be answered and the original copyedited manuscript returned before the book can be turned over to production. It is important that the author answer all queries and that unapproved changes be challenged now. By doing so, later alteration expenses (that might be charged to the author) can be avoided.

After all copyediting questions have been resolved, the manuscript is turned over to the typesetter for preparation of galley or page proofs. Rewriting and making extensive changes other than correcting typesetting errors will incur significant cost. These costs are passed on to the author. In addition, such corrections cause a delay in publication.